Three Tips to Improve your Midlife Gut Health
May 12, 2022
Before we can dive deep into improving our gut health, it’s important that we understand this super awesome but very complex ecosystem.
Your microbiome is made up of trillions of bacteria. These bacteria are ultimately responsible for major bodily functions.
The benefits of a balanced gut (usually the result of healthy living) include long term wellness and a better midlife/menopause experience.
An unbalanced gut is often the cause of everything from acid reflux to brain fog, depression and anxiety to low energy and low libido - common symptoms of perimenopause - making gut health even more important for midlife women.
A healthy gut can make the journey through perimenopause, menopause, and post menopause a little less life interrupting!
Think of your gut’s microbiome as the command center. This base camp's job is to make sure the right hormones pass through the right channels to get to the right spots.
Perimenopause is the stage in the menopause journey when your body has begun its decline in estrogen production. Most of us think this is all about the ovaries, but we’re learning through science that the gut plays a vital role in this decline as well.
Fluctuating levels of estrogen show up in the body as:
hot flashes
mood swings
breast pain
Now take a wild guess as to what regulates estrogen levels…that’s right! Your MICROBIOME!
The relationship between the gut and estrogen is a complex one.
While the gut regulates and affects estrogen levels, the natural decline of estrogen levels caused by menopause has a direct effect on the microbiome. It's a nice little circle that can cause midlife struggles like midsection weight gain and/or IBS.
The good news is that as you improve your microbiome health you will begin to see improvements in your overall health and with those annoying menopausal symptoms.
Midlife and your menopause journey are a great stage in life to kick start some easy and positive changes.
You can literally start improving your gut today by implementing 3 simple steps.
Whether you are just starting to feel the effects of Menopause, are knee deep in it, or one of our lucky post-menopause gals (because YES! Your gut health still matters!!) these simple tips can make a huge difference in how you feel!
#1 AVOID ANTIBIOTICS (whenever possible). Antibiotics are known destroyers of bacteria by nature. Antibiotics disrupt the gut’s delicate ecosystem and also decrease the body’s ability to fight off infection on its own. If the issue at hand is not serious, try to avoid taking an antibiotic. A few days of rest, fluids, probiotics, and a healthy diet can do wonders for immunity. (But always talk to your doctor first!)
#2 CLEAN UP YOUR DIET! Cutting out processed foods that are gut-killers is the best place to start. I encourage my clients to incorporate more fermented foods like sauerkraut, kombucha, and kefir into their midlife diet. These have live probiotic strains that can replenish beneficial bacteria fast. Regular consumption of fermented foods is associated with longevity - something we’re all looking for!!
#3 TRY TAKING A DAILY PROBIOTIC. Because our low estrogen levels can greatly impact our microbiome's balance, a daily probiotic is super helpful when it comes to providing that good flora. Look for a supplement that contains multiple types of strains. An ounce of apple cider vinegar daily is also known to be a great gut-booster.
I get a lot of questions about probiotics - what brand to take, what ingredients to look for, the benefits of using them . . . so here you go:
There are so many changes women go through as a result of the dramatic reduction in their hormone levels that simply occur naturally during menopause.
Changes in digestive and bowel habits, changes in skin health, a decrease of quality sleep, even an increase of depression, anxiety, high blood pressure, heart disease, obesity, and osteoporosis. All resulting from our fluctuating hormones.
Now there is definitely more research that needs to be conducted on the efficacy and targeted use of probiotics during menopause, but research has shown evidence to some of the benefits we get with using probiotics as we age.
May reduce inflammation throughout the body
May alleviate symptoms of depression and anxiety
May help lower blood pressure and high cholesterol
May improve immunity
May support a healthy vaginal microflora (helping to fight off postmenopausal vaginal infections - super common issue)
May help prevent urinary tract infections
May help reduce menopausal symptoms when combined with other supplements
May prevent constipation (a common menopause symptom)
Keeping your gut health balanced is going to have so many positive benefits for your menopausal symptoms but also for your overall health and wellness!
And always, with any change in routine or diet, be sure to discuss adding a probiotic with your healthcare provider to make sure it’s appropriate for you.
Whether you’re just starting to dip your toes into perimenopause, continuing to experience symptoms into post-menopause, or simply looking for some guidance on what to expect in the coming years of life, I’m here for you!
For more information and support around your menopause journey, as well as ideas for symptom relief, book a free discovery call and let’s find you some relief!!
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